1925 E. Dakota Ave.
Fresno, CA 93726
There are several different groups with common objectives that have come together under the Fresno County Suicide Prevention Collaborative umbrella. However, these groups are fluid and initiatives and goals can be formed by collaborative members that may not fall under a workgroup. If you have an area of expertise or interest in one or more of the areas outlined as a workgroup, you are invited to attend our collaborative meetings. If you don’t feel your interest or desire to help falls under these workgroups, please attend our next meeting anyway and share your thoughts. We look forward to seeing you.
The Fresno Suicide Prevention Collaborative meets on the first Friday of every month from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
At this time, our meetings are held virtually on YouTube Live. To join our next meeting, visit the Fresno County Department of Behavioral Health’s Youtube Page
Check in with your family and friends. No matter the distance, you can always reach out through a phone call, text or video chat.