We are excited to share resources developed specifically for Pharmacists as Gatekeepers in Suicide Prevention. Due to their accessibility and trust, frequent interactions with patients and mental health consumers, access to medical records, and distribution of mental health and highly lethal medications pharmacists are situated in a unique position to support those in need. While pharmacists are not trained to diagnose mental health conditions, they can play the role of recognizing potential signs of suicide or being a resource for individuals seeking help. The upcoming webinar on October 28th will offer CEUs for participating pharmacists!
October 28th, 12PM – 1:30PM PST
Pharmacist as Gatekeepers in Suicide Prevention
This webinar will provide insight into the role pharmacists, as frontline responders and gatekeepers, can play in suicide prevention. Webinar content will include an overview of suicide prevention, how to counsel on medications that are high in lethality or increase risk of suicidal thoughts, and a variety of resources. Attendees will walk away with an increased understanding on how to identify warning signs of suicide, how to have a conversation with a patient, and how to provide that patient with help. To register, click here.
- Dr. Kelly Lee., Pharm.D., MAS, APh, BCPP, FCCP: Professor of Clinical Pharmacy, Associate Dean for Assessment and Accreditation, Director PGY2 Residency in Psychiatric Pharmacy
- Dr. Nathan Painter, Pharm.D, CDCES, FADCES: Clinical Professor UC San Diego Skaggs of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science
- Stan Collins: Co-Founder of the Directing Change Program and Film Contest, Resource Navigator and Technical Assistance for CalMHSA, Suicide Prevention Expert for 20+ years
Continuing Education Credit Provided!
The below resources were developed to assist pharmacists in gaining the knowledge needed to identify the signs for suicide, have conversations with and provide resources to patients in need. Find and Download All Resources Here.
- Pharmacists Can Play A Role Warning Signs Poster
- Pharmacists Can Play A Role Warning Signs Pocket-Card
- Columbia Suicide Risk Screening Tool for Pharmacists
Additionally, a customer-facing customizable pharmacy bag was developed that outlines warning signs, as well as suicide prevention resources. If you are interested in using this resource, we are happy to customize it for your with local resources and the size needed.
Wondering How You Can Get Involved?
Reach out and share the above mentioned resources with your local chain or community pharmacy locations, pharmacy schools, or pharmacy organizations.
Suggested Social Media Post: Are you a pharmacist? Do you have a pharmacist in your life? While pharmacists are not trained to diagnose mental health conditions, they can play the role of recognizing potential signs of suicide or being a resource for individuals seeking help! Join or share the the upcoming webinar ‘Pharmacist as Gatekeepers in Suicide Prevention’. All attendee’s will receive *1.5 FREE CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDITS*. Register Today! https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_iYaTX1JpTdyMctPtyH17Zg