For Media

Media Resources

If you’re reporting on suicide, we’ve provided a variety of resources, recommendations and best practices for providing thoughtful media coverage.

988 Suicide Prevention Lifeline

Dial 988 Suicide Prevention Lifeline

988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

If you’re in suicidal crisis or emotional distress or are concerned about someone who might be, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is here for you. The Lifeline offers free and confidential emotional support services for people nationwide. Individuals can call, text, or chat online with a trained counselor 24 hours a day, seven days a week. All phone calls are routed to the nearest crisis center to provide localized care and support for individuals. So for you it will be the Central Valley Suicide Prevention Lifeline.

Calls are routed based on a caller’s area code, so a trained counselor familiar with the community can help provide referrals to nearby resources. Over 200 crisis call centers in the United States provide local care with the support of this vital national network.


Recommendations for Reporting on Suicide

Suicide is a public health issue. Media and online coverage of suicide should be informed by using best practices. Some suicide deaths may be newsworthy. However, the way media cover suicide can influence behavior negatively by contributing to contagion, or positively by encouraging help-seeking.

988 Suicide Prevention Lifeline

Start the Conversation

Check in with your family and friends. No matter the distance, you can always reach out through a phone call, text or video chat.