Past Events

Angst: Building Resilience Screening


Join PBS KVIE for a screening excerpt of the film Angst followed by a powerful online discussion about supporting our youth to build mental resilience during these challenging times. Tuesday October 19, 6:00pm Register: ITVS OVEE Angst is an iNDIEFLIX original documentary designed to open up the conversation around anxiety, helping people understand and manage […]

Suicide in the Black Community

CALL for PRESENTERS/PROPOSALS Friday, October 22nd, 2021 9:00AM - 4:00PM CEU's Available Virtual Event Email for more information (559) 485-9653

Pharmacist as Gatekeepers in Suicide Prevention

Virtual Event

We are excited to share resources developed specifically for Pharmacists as Gatekeepers in Suicide Prevention.   Due to their accessibility and trust, frequent interactions with patients and mental health consumers, access to medical records, and distribution of mental health and highly lethal medications pharmacists are situated in a unique position to support those in need. While pharmacists […]

School-Based Suicide Prevention Webinar: Promising Approaches and Opportunities for Research

Friday, January 14th 2022 11:00AM to 12:30PM This NIMH-hosted webinar will provide an opportunity for diverse stakeholders, including school administrators, researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and funders, to learn about new and innovative practices in school-based suicide prevention. There will be a particular focus on risk identification, follow-up, and referral for additional services for high-risk youth. In […]

Training – Suicide Risk Screening in Schools

Training on suicide risk screening in school settings is vital to comprehensive suicide prevention. California Education Code 215 mandates that all Local Education Agencies have protocols in place to intervene with youth at risk for suicide. The Commission is providing a free training for designated school staff to learn about best practices in school-based screening […]